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Write And Get Published

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Feature in our magazine as a writer and get a chance to get published alongside some of the most prominent writers and reach a wider and more distinguished audience.

Write And Get Published
Write And Get Published

Time & Location

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About The Event

We at Readers' Oak Weekly invite guest contributors to write for us.

You can write an essay, article, short story or a poem on any topic typically within the word limit of 400 to 1200 words.

Articles of any length with exceptionally good content will be also be considered.

All sumissions must be original and unpublished and attached as a word document with your mail.

If you are providing images with your article you should own the rights to all images.

We ask our writers to include their short introduction at the bottom of their article along with their photograph.

All the published articles will feature the name and photograph of the writers.

We reserve the right to edit your article to make it more readable and for a better audience experience.

All the contributors, whose work will be published will be awarded e-certificates.

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